30 Days of Blogging Challenge this November | YMH No. 62

30 Days of Blogging Challenge this November

Make November a breakthrough month for your professional writing and publish 30 consecutive blog posts.

Committing to a 30-day challenge is an excellent way to boost your publishing consistency and writing prowess. What's more, 30 thoughtful posts might be just what you need to improve your blog's search engine optimization (SEO) and earn loads of organic site traffic.

You could just schedule some time to write every day in November, but personally, I want to be a little more prepared, so I have created some rules for the challenge and a plan for success.

November Blog Posting Challenge Rules

Here are my rules for the November Blog Posting Challenge.

  • Publish at least one blog post every day in November.
  • Posts may be written in advance but must be published daily.
  • Each post must be at least 400 words in length.
  • Don't use generative artificial intelligence (AI) for composition.

November Blog Posting Challenge Preparation

Here is how I am preparing for my personal blog posting challenge.

Set a Goal

I decided to try a 30-day blog posting challenge specifically to add more SEO content to the You, Money, Happiness website. I want to organize content into topical pillars and attract visitors from Google and other search engines.

Your goal could be similar, or perhaps you want to create a writing habit, improve your writing skills, or learn something —writing about a thing is one of the best ways to learn about that thing.

Create a Content Plan

I am doing SEO keyword research in October so that I know what I need to write about during my November challenge. For me, this means reviewing keyword phrases and understanding how I can add value to what is already available online.

Before November, develop a content plan that will help you achieve your goal. If you are going to commit to a 30-day blogging challenge, you may as well advance your blogging business.

One blogger I talked with planned to publish 30 days of affiliate tutorials in an effort to boost revenue. That's not a bad idea.

Schedule the Content

Once I have a content plan in place, I am going to schedule the content, giving myself both a publication date and a completion date. If all goes well, I will write each post a few days in advance.

I also wanted to give myself time to research topics and even interview a few folks ahead of my writing.

Get an Accountability Partner

Find someone to keep you on track. You need someone who will remind you to publish. This person should be checking in with you daily.

"Have you written tomorrow's blog post yet."


At the end of your 30-day blog posting challenge, check in on your goals and take note of what you learned.

Challenges are an excellent way to push yourself, so if you join me in November, good luck.

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You, Money, Happiness

You, Money, Happiness helps newsletter creators and bloggers grow and earn online.

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