Fix Problems, Then Grow | YMH Creator Roundup

Top stories for bloggers, newsletter writers, and content creators.

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No. 1: Fix Problems, Then Grow

If you're feeling stuck, constantly chasing opportunities but seeing limited results, you're probably focusing on the wrong things.

Alex Hormozi breaks it down —there are two main forces at play in a content business—problems and opportunities.

Missed opportunities are exciting. They're the shiny new ideas—adding an email newsletter, launching a YouTube channel, pushing a new course.

It's easy to get caught up here because they feel like they'll grow your business. But what often gets ignored are the underlying problems that threaten the very foundation of what you've built. Customer complaints? Broken backend systems? Unfixed problems will follow you, no matter how many new ventures you jump into.

The tough truth is problems suck. They're not fun, and they don't come with the rush of something new. But if you don't solve them, they will grow alongside your business. Hormozi advises addressing problems first. Why? Because when you fix them, you get real, sustainable growth—growth that doesn't come with baggage.

It's tempting to think you can do everything, but limited resources mean you need to prioritize. Work on the problems; solve them before they grow too large. Then, focus on those fun opportunities with a solid, problem-free foundation beneath you.

No. 2: Embrace Criticism, Publish Boldly

If you've ever hesitated to publish content that goes beyond the basics, you're not alone. Sharing bold ideas—what folks call "thought leadership"—can feel like stepping into the line of fire. You're putting yourself out there, which, let's be honest, invites criticism. However, Si Quan Ong from Ahrefs makes a compelling case that this vulnerability is precisely what makes your content valuable.

By pushing boundaries and sharing strong opinions, you challenge industry norms—and people will care. And that's the rub. When your content draws criticism, it's often because it's important enough to spark a reaction. That doesn't mean you should aim to be controversial for controversy's sake. Instead, focus on sharing your expertise, even if it's risky.

Sometimes, you'll find that others are thinking the same but didn't have the nerve to say it.

Content curation, the safe stuff, is being automated by generative AI. To stand out in today's sea of content, you must embrace the scary part: being original, having opinions, and sharing your hard-earned knowledge. Because at the end of the day, moving your industry forward might hinge on your willingness to hit "publish," even when it feels uncomfortable.

No. 3: TikTok Unlocks Keyword Ad Targeting

TikTok is changing the game for marketers with its revamped search ad platform, now letting brands take control over keyword targeting.

Previously, TikTok chose which search queries triggered ads, but now, marketers can do the picking. Imagine Google's search ads, but overlaid on TikTok's video-driven world.

Brands can now bid on specific keywords to ensure their ads appear when users search for products or services.

Why does this matter for creators? Search-based ads let you reach high-intent audiences—in other words, folks who are already looking for what you're offering. And, just like with traditional search platforms, targeting the right keywords could lead to more conversions. It's more than just throwing content out there and hoping someone sees it.

Now, you can get your message in front of people when they're most likely to act.

This also signals a shift across platforms: more and more, people are turning to social media apps like TikTok and Instagram to search for products, not just watch videos. It's a good time to sharpen your skills in search marketing because you can bet this crossover between social media and search is only going to grow.

No. 4: Thirty Blog Posts in 1 Hour

If you're short on time but need to pump out blog content that earns revenue, AI might be the secret weapon in your toolkit, according to Adam Enfroy.

With a mix of automation and keyword strategy, it's possible to generate over 30 blog posts within an hour—and make them profitable, Enfory says in this video.

It's all about smart keyword selection and content scaling. The goal here is twofold — create transactional posts that drive affiliate income and informational ones to attract ad revenue and grow your email list.

Start by researching low-competition keywords in your niche. For example, if you're in the snowmobiling space, you could target "best snowmobile helmets" for transactional posts. Then, mix in informational content, hanging off common questions like "how to store a snowmobile." Once the keywords are sorted, AI like ChatGPT can churn out long-form drafts tailored for both ranking on Google and converting readers into buyers.

From there, automate internal links, optimize with relevant images, and you're ready to go. A couple of clicks later, your content is live.

It's not magic, but it's pretty close—and it gives you more time to focus on other parts of your content business, whether that's courses, sponsorships, or digital product sales.

No. 5: TikTok Unveils Custom Subscription Perks

TikTok is rolling out a new Subscription feature that could open up fresh revenue streams for creators. If you're not already doing LIVE videos, but have built a following, this update might be a new way to offer premium content directly to your most loyal fans. Essentially, subscribers pay a monthly fee in exchange for perks like behind-the-scenes videos, private chats, and unique badges that highlight their status in the community.

With three customizable tiers, creators can mix and match the benefits their audience will love, whether that's private communication channels or exclusive LIVEs. It's about creating a more profound sense of connection with fans, leading to more robust engagement—and, let's be real, more consistent cash flow.

While TikTok continues fine-tuning this new subscription model, it's worth checking if you're eligible.

Creators must meet a few benchmarks, like 10,000 followers and 100k video views in the past month. If you've built serious momentum and are looking for one more way to grow your content business, consider diving into this offering. More importantly, it allows you to reward those devoted folks who keep showing up for your content.

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