Professional Creators Need AMP Email | YMH No. 63

Professional Creators Need AMP Email

If you see a tumbleweed blowing across the email technology landscape, it just might be Google's AMP Email project. And that's unfortunate because this nearly forgotten technology could be a key to a lot more revenue for content creators and entrepreneurs.

AMP Email or Accelerated Mobile Pages Email allows email content to change dynamically when a subscriber opens an email or interacts with the message.

There are several use cases for content creators and, frankly, businesses. These use cases include ecommerce sales, interactive forms, and email advertising


Imagine a content creator selling a new course. That creator could pitch the course in an email, carefully pointing out all of the benefits, before sending the subscriber to a landing page for the actual purchase.

This works well, but it is a multi-step process. The subscriber must take action in the email (click a link) and then on the landing page (complete the purchase).

What if AMP Email could significantly boost conversion rates for this course creator, providing a seamless, interactive purchasing experience within the email itself?

Instead of redirecting subscribers to an external landing page or checkout process, AMP Email allows the entire purchase journey to happen inside the inbox.

Some initial tests in 2021 and 2022 generated a 25% improvement in conversion rates when AMP Email was used for just this sort of scenario.

Interactive Forms

Let's consider another example. This time, a content creator plans a live-streaming event or, perhaps, a webinar. The event has a sponsor, and the creator's revenue is directly tied to how many folks watch the stream.

With a standard HTML email, the creator can pitch the event and link to a registration page, or, using AMP Email complete the registration process in the inbox.

The Problem

AMP Email sounds great, right? Unfortunately, we are back to the tumbleweeds. Google launched AMP Email in 2019, just before the global COVID pandemic.

While the project had some initial interest, it is essentially inactive right now. The project's YouTube channel hasn't had an update in three years. The AMP Email Slack community has had just one post in about three years.

This does not mean that folks are not using AMP Email; in fact, lots of businesses are using it, but it does mean that new email clients are not adding support —it won't work in Apple Mail, for example— and there are no new innovations.

Put another way, AMP Email has significant potential, but its impact has been limited due to the adoption of Apple Mail. Without new support, the technology risks fading away.

The Solution

So here is the pitch. Getting support for AMP Email from more clients could be as simple as asking for it.

Here is a link to the Apple Mail feedback form. It is an opportunity for content creators and entrepreneurs to ask Apple to get AMP Email going again.

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