Want to Write Better? Pick a Fight. | YMH No. 56

Want to Write Better? Pick a Fight.

A strong point of view makes for better writing. It makes a blog post or email newsletter engaging. In turn, engaging copy creates the opportunity to earn. And we all know that online content creators —particularly bloggers and newsletter authors— seek to earn a living writing.

Sometimes, these creators write so that they can sell advertising and sponsorships. Some creators write to engage an audience to sell a course or a community subscription. Sometimes the writing is the product, and, at other times, it is the means to promote the product.

In all cases, the better —more engaging— the writing, the greater the earning potential.

Point of View

So-called "unbiased" writing is dull and dishonest. We cannot all get along because philosophies and cultures are not all equally right or good.

Good writing states these differences and, in so doing, provides real value. One may not always agree with the point of view, but the strongly stated position still makes for better reading.

Let's consider examples of writing with a strongly stated point of view.

President Kennedy

The first example is President John F. Kennedy. Admittedly, this is from a speech given in 1962, but it is included as a writing example because all great speeches start in written form.

"The final and best means of strengthening demand among consumers and business is to reduce the burden on private income and the deterrents to private initiative which are imposed by our present tax system...to increase demand and lift the economy, the Federal Government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities for private expenditures."

Kennedy is making the case for low taxes. Lowering the tax rate is "The final and best means," and "Government's most useful role is...to expand the incentives and opportunities."

The president is not mealy-mouthed or equivocating. His point of view is that government taxes are "deterrents to private initiative." According to Kennedy, a Democrat, it is not the business of government to "rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures."

If national leaders want to "lift the economy," they should slash taxes and empower private enterprise.

To understand the impact of President Kennedy's strong point of view, let's consider what an "unbiased" version of the text with a weakly held point of view could have been.

"Some people might suggest that one possible approach to potentially strengthening demand among consumers and businesses could involve exploring the possibility of reducing the burden on private income and encouraging private initiative, at least to some degree, which some believe might require reviewing the current tax system. When it comes to increasing demand and stimulating the economy, it could be suggested that the Federal Government's role might include considering whether expanding incentives and opportunities for private expenditures might be, in some way, relatively more effective than turning to a program of significant increases in public spending."

Kennedy's original work is much better.

Tim Stoddart

For our next example, consider three X posts from Tim Stoddart, a serial entrepreneur.

First, an argument that true wealth is personal freedom.

Are you trying to make money?
Or do you want to be free?

Wealth = Freedom

Wearing a Rolex is cool, but it means nothing if you're constantly checking it so you're not late to work or late to turn in client work.

Driving a Mercedes is cool, but it means nothing if you're sitting in it on a traffic-filled road on the way to a job you don't really love.

Living in a huge house is cool, but it means nothing if you have a gigantic mortgage on it that forces you to sacrifice other parts of life.

If you want real wealth, make money, but prioritize freedom too. Build a life where you do what you want and don't need to know the time.

Toys are fun.
Freedom is better.

Next, Stoddart holds a strong belief that failing is learning.

Are you failing often enough?

Failure Is A Skill

The more you apply and interview without getting a job, the easier it'll be for you to move on from them and pursue another position.

The more you get ignored or rejected when sending cold DMs, the easier it'll be for you to get over one failure and send another.

The more you do tests in your business and don't get results, the easier it'll be for you to learn lessons from them and create more tests.

The more you try little experiments in life that don't work out, the easier it'll be for you to get over them and try other ones.

Failure is a skill.
Keep trying until you're a master at it.

This final example from Stoddart argues that good content picks a fight.

Underrated content ideas:
Attack a common opinion in your niche, then give your alternative.
Attack a common practice in your niche, then give your alternative.

The drama gets attention, the opinion builds your brand, and the alternative

gets you sales.

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All Points of View Are Exclusionary

All points of view are exclusionary by definition. Holding an opinion or belief always means that there are contrary beliefs and opinions you find less valuable or at least less convincing.

Good writing acknowledges this fact and states a point clearly —that simple. When you write better, your copy is more engaging, and as mentioned at the top, engaging content is an opportunity to earn a living online.

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