
You, Money, Happiness

You, Money, Happiness helps newsletter creators and bloggers grow and earn online.

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WordPress vs. WP Engine Clash | YMH Creator Roundup

Top stories for bloggers, newsletter writers, and content creators. If there is an article you think should be included in this roundup, please reply with a link. No. 1: WordPress vs. WP Engine Clash There's a fierce drama unfolding in the world of WordPress—one that content creators need to keep an eye on. WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine, a popular managed hosting service for WordPress sites, are locked in a heated battle involving trademarks, money, and control. It all...

Professional Creators Need AMP Email If you see a tumbleweed blowing across the email technology landscape, it just might be Google's AMP Email project. And that's unfortunate because this nearly forgotten technology could be a key to a lot more revenue for content creators and entrepreneurs. AMP Email or Accelerated Mobile Pages Email allows email content to change dynamically when a subscriber opens an email or interacts with the message. There are several use cases for content creators...

Top stories for bloggers, newsletter writers, and content creators. If there is an article you think should be included in this roundup, please reply with a link. No. 1: Google's Recipe Shortcut Threatens Bloggers Google's latest experiment could have significant consequences for folks creating recipe blogs—especially if you're monetizing through traffic. The company is testing a Quick View feature that lets users pull up entire recipes (ingredients, photos, instructions) right in Google...

30 Days of Blogging Challenge this November Make November a breakthrough month for your professional writing and publish 30 consecutive blog posts. Committing to a 30-day challenge is an excellent way to boost your publishing consistency and writing prowess. What's more, 30 thoughtful posts might be just what you need to improve your blog's search engine optimization (SEO) and earn loads of organic site traffic. You could just schedule some time to write every day in November, but personally,...

Top stories for bloggers, newsletter writers, and content creators. Please share this newsletter with one person. No. 1: Google Boosts Credibility for Creators Google's latest moves have significant implications for content creators. The search giant now explicitly recognizes individuals as content creators, assigning them titles like "Content Creator (Health)" or "Content Creator (Travel)" in search results. This new labeling is a game-changer for SEO. For the creators, it means more...

Arguments For and Against Microtransactions and Pay-per-article Schemes Could accepting tiny little payments of just a few pennies each be a way to unlock loads of blog revenue? That is the question at the heart of a recent Reddit post, "What do you think about making money from your content with microtransactions?" In the context of monetizing a blog, the term "microtransactions" often describes a low-cost paywall. The idea is that readers pay a small fee ranging from a few cents to about a...

Top stories for bloggers, newsletter writers, and content creators. If there is an article you think should be included in this roundup, please reply with a link. No. 1: Fix Problems, Then Grow If you're feeling stuck, constantly chasing opportunities but seeing limited results, you're probably focusing on the wrong things. Alex Hormozi breaks it down —there are two main forces at play in a content business—problems and opportunities. Missed opportunities are exciting. They're the shiny new...

5 Ways to Find Article Ideas for Blogs and Newsletters The blank page and blinking cursor are among the most daunting challenges for a blogger or newsletter author. The words, sentences, and paragraphs would flow wonderfully if only you knew what to write about. For a new content creator, composing the first few email newsletters or blog posts may feel exhilarating. Ideas come easy. But as time goes on, knowing what to write about —what valuable idea or concept to share— becomes a significant...

Top stories for bloggers, newsletter writers, and content creators. If there is an article you think should be included in this roundup, please reply with a link. No. 1: Mediavine Bans Overused AI Content AI-generated content is facing some serious pushback in the publishing world. Mediavine, a significant ad management firm, has started terminating publisher accounts for relying too much on AI-generated content. In a Reddit post, one publisher revealed they were flagged for "overuse of...

How to Use Zapier and ChatGPT to Find Newsletter Sponsors One of the best ways to identify potential sponsors for an email newsletter is to monitor other newsletters. It sounds simple enough, but for a newsletter creator, it can feel like there are just two options. You can either manually monitor dozens or even hundreds of newsletters, or you can pay several thousand dollars a year to use a service. Recently, I came up with a third option. I built a rudimentary email parser that captures...